Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Invasion isn't War

Support the troops: End the war.

That would be a lovely sentiment if we were in fact "at war", but we're not. We, i.e, the Bush Administration, i.e, NOT THE AMERICAN people invaded Iraq to secure it's oil fields, lo those many years ago. In order for it to be a "war" wouldn't there need to be an enemy to fight against? A rag tag bunch of militant religious zealots in an ages-old-pissing contest does not actually constitute an enemy that threatens the security of the United States in my opinion! It seems to me that the Irag invasion was a greedy attempt by the uber-corrupt Bush cartel to secure further economic resources through military contracts to friends in order to increase the wealth in the Republican party so that future elections can continue to be usurped. Land of the free, home of the brave? Give me a break! Land of the rich, home of the disempowered is more like it.

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