Sunday, December 16, 2007

Weekly Words of Wisdom

From Sri Swami Satchidananda~
You are Happiness Personified You never get happiness by doing something or achieving something, including spiritual practices, prayer or the search for God. Even God cannot give you happiness. If God gives, God might take away. Anything that comes, goes. Even in the name of searching for God, we see people becoming unhappy. Here is my answer: Happiness is not to be sought outside. It can never come from outside or from inside. It can't come, because it simply is. It is always. Where? Everywhere. It is just happiness. You are Happiness personified. You are that Supreme Bliss. You are that joy. You are the image of happiness. If you want, use the word God. Who is God? What are God's qualifications? Always being happy. So, as the image of God, how can you be unhappy?
God bless you. Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi.

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