Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hope in the Ashes

The day we arrived in the Adirondacks for vacation a house burned down. I was present when the owner drove up and said, to the volunteer firefighter, "tell me that isn't my house". Her first question was "what about my dogs?". She didn't know that her three children were home as well. They were rescued, unharmed, by a neighbor.

1 comment:

Jake Freeberg said...

You've got a blog, but no comments?

I used to blog, but then my hard drive crashed and I haven't had the time to rebuild.

I definitely didn't blog the way your doing, but more power to you.

You might be interested in this guy I built and maintain a website for:

Tim Freke

My boss is really into his philosophical religion stuff, I guess I'm to young and worried about the superficial still.