Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Advice to a Stressed Out Bride

Hey there, take a minute and imagine yourself in Japan, like in a Samurai  movie, alone in a courtyard, you, the warrior in black; with  hands on your waist and a big sword at your hip,  you confront the inevitable and dare it to proceed.  

Now step out of it's way and let it proceed. 

This is the truth:  it is not up to you to please anyone but yourself and Chris on Saturday.  You simply don't have the strength at this point, drained as you are, to command the day like some Queen from her throne.  You are not Cate Blanchett in ELIZABETH, (though you were undoubtedly there) and the Samurai warrior is scaring the hell out of folks, LOL    hallaleujah!,  can I get an amen?  ;o}  

Let the Goddess woman earth mother of Celtic origin who empowers your  essential, true nature take over from here.  Let her drive.  You can sit in the back or to her right, but you no longer are steering this vehicle.   It's a Cadillac El Dorado and it's a nice, floaty ride!

Let if flow, Kelly. 


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