Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Virgo Galaxy

In the New York Times today:

"In a telescope or in ordinary pictures that capture a cosmic instant, the 2,000 or so galaxies of the Virgo cluster glow like pearly city-states, isolated and smug agglomerations of starlight. But astronomers know these galaxies are really buzzing about like bees confined by gravity in a hive some 10 million light-years across, careering back and forth at 500 miles a second, banging into one another and splashing stars and gas across space."

Funny, this seems to match the personality traits of myself and many Virgos I know. I seem to career around between my intense need for isolation juxtaposed against the thrilling vibration of a humming community of like-minded pearly and smug stars, sometimes crashing into a slower moving Aries that stumbled into the wrong hive.

I am however, attempting to temper that tendencey to come on strong, do some damage and move on out; my lesson learned and knowledge stowed under the belt, unconscious of the blinding and disorienting cloud of dust I leave behind. Truly, I have been a force of nature all of my life and now it is my intention to be a force of Divine Intention.

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