Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dream Journal

In my dream I'm in my kitchen (but it's a motor home kitchen part of the time). I peel a raw egg and it holds its form without the shell. I show my female guests how incredible it is. One woman shows me how to pierce the egg without breaking it...a small drop of emerges from the tiny hole she's created. I drop the egg into a bowl of pancake batter I'm making. The yolk splits and transforms into a swirling miasma of white and golden yellow yolk. It mixes itself and I'm relieved to remember that the dry gets added to the liquid for fluffier pancakes. I'm fascinated by this stellar performace of movement in a mixing bowl. And then, an animated blue and white orchid-like butterfly emerges from the bowl, floats into the air, fluttering about to everyone's amazement and then POOF! it's gone, like in a cartoon, with little star trails where the butterfly used to be. We stand around speechless. Then my father in law tries to show us a magic trick with black smoke. We women are unimpressed. It's kind of embarassing, since his magic falls so short of butterflies born of eggs.

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