Friday, February 10, 2006

What it is to see.

I have begun to ponder the concept that sight is a construct that can only be described as innately personal. Color-blindness, for instance, how is a man with color-blindness ever going to understand what it is for me, to see vast numbers of colors, some of which may look entirely different to me than to any other individual? My eyes are brown, does that mean that I see shades of brown that green eyed people don't see? Wouldn't it be cool if I could see the world out of your eyes for a day? Wouldn't that tell me everything I need to know about you?

In the world behind my eyes, all colors are visible and when I close my eyes, and focus on my third eye I get a dot of purple, that shifts to green and back to purple. What do you get when you close your eyes?

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