Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chakras and the rainbow

A chakra is a spinning disc of energy located on the human spine. If we were mere skeletons walking
about the earth, without our tissue and organs, what we'd see might look like seven holographic cd's or dvd's, each with a color assoicated with it, located in a vertical line from the base of our spine to the crown of the head. I think we'd be able to tell alot about a fellow being by the intensity of the color we saw radiating from each whirling chakra. Chakra's are like an auto-biographical audiobook recording and storing your soul's life experience.

Perhaps you've heard of an "aura". An aura is an invisible energy field that surrounds our body. To some, who can "see" auras, this energy field may appear as diffused white light. Imagine the "halo" that many artists have attempted to recreate on canvas when depicting a holy person or setting. That clear light is what we associate with divinity, isn't it? Well, imagine that we are the prism that the Divine One shines it's lovely light through: we become a rainbow that is recreated in the chakra system as whirling discs of color and light.

Stay tuned: Tomorrow: The root chakra is the color red.

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