Saturday, October 22, 2005

Kundalini, again

I wrote earlier about my experience of Kundalini awakening at a GOMEZ concert in D.C. What I've only just realized is that although the energy had awakened, it remained quiet and unmoving until my 47th birthday. I was awakened one night and went to use the bathroom. My next conscious moment found me on the white tile floor in a cold sweat, heart pounding with excruciating pain like a column of fire in my root chakra. Moaning, I considered the prospect of death. My beloved Christopher was in the other room, praying me through it.

The next morning when I woke up, I fully expected to see a different "person" in the mirror.

Kundalini animated in me that night. Kundalini started moving up and down my spine, clearing out energy in all my chakras. It was a death of sorts. A death of old tribal ways that no longer serve the common good and my purpose as a healer on the planet. It was certainly a rebirth into a realm where illusion is broken down a little more and much becomes infinitly possible because so much excess has been cleared away.

Next to death, it was the ultimate healing. For this I am truly grateful.


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